Friday, August 22, 2008

Start of a new chapter

Please bare with me because school starts Monday for Emily (7th), Alyssa (3rd), Grant (K), and for me and my on-line college classes. Cole and I start at our local Day school on Wednesday....with all of that said, I will try my best to keep the blog updated with the things going on in our lives. Emily, Alyssa, and Grant are all playing soccer and Emily will start volleyball and school sports this year, so I should have plenty of pics later.

Hope your year will be a good one!

A new toy....a new hit!!! :)

The other day while we were in Lowe's, Emily found this rug for the boys. It was a BIG hit and they LOVE playing with it!!! Why didn't I find this earlier this summer? ;)

I can see!

We have had trouble with our fluorescent lights in the kitchen for some time now. It got to where one would not even come on and sometimes the other one would not night and Saturday morning Greg fixed that problem along with it being hot in there when I cook. He hung new ceiling fans. They have been great and it is nice to see and be a little cooler.
Thanks, Greg!

Watch out here I come!

This what Greg and I did in the morning before his cousin's wedding.....bought a car!
We wanted a car to get better gas mileage on my many trips around town with the kids and not to put as many miles on the suburban.
It is goosie and sporty and I LOVE it! and so do the kids.
They would much rather ride with me in the new car instead of with Daddy...sorry
Thanks, honey!

Beautiful girls

Em is sure growing up way too fast!Are you finished taking my pictures yet?
She looks sooo much older! scary :(

Finally, a fun smile :)

Sweet Sisters

Great Smile!

She looks like she is having fun!

Great profile---concentrating

Candle lighter

These pictures were taken at Greg's cousin Jamie's wedding on Aug 9th. Alyssa was the candle lighter and Em was supposed to cut the cake. It was a fun night for all involved. The boys stayed with a babysitter, thanks Annette for arranging that!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Having fun

The picture speaks for itself

Our "sassy" new do's

This is right after Em's cute!The next morning....

We both got haircuts this week....something new and different for the upcoming school year.