Friday, July 25, 2008


I was trying anything to get the paper and glue up. I'm so glad that we are finished with that part of the remodel.
After the wood was gone, before we started working on the paper.

As I was looking through pictures, I almost forgot the hardest thing we did this summer. We, mostly Greg, ripped up the hardwood floors and the linoleum, in the kitchen and laundry room. Then we had to scrape up the paper and glue that was stuck to the cement. It was hard work and took lots of time. Now we must decide what color of tile we want and wait on help to install it.

Random pics

WOW!!! This is a big elephant footprint
I like this can even see the water drop on his ear....cute!

"Hi Mommy. I'm having fun on the putt-putt course"

Up, up, and away!!

Enjoying the pool

Enjoying watermelon the last day of school! yummy :)

Isn't he so cute!!

Grant having fun in Papa's shop

Practicing her form!! She shoots.....she scores!! GGGGOOOOAAAALLLL!!!

Emily being silly!!

Alyssa on the circle swing at Granny and Papa's

Having fun on the swing at Granny and Papa's house. Thanks Papa for fixing the swing so now even Mom can fit on it!!

Summer Update

As you can see, we have been very busy this summer. Here are some things are have done, accomplished, or will be doing for the rest of the summer.

1. Cole is potty trained...yea!!!
2. We have done a lot of swimming, hence Cole (not even 3 years old) is swimming and going to the bottom of the pool....awesome!!
3. We went to Schlitterbahn as a family and had a blast. Greg's mom and sister went with us and we all had a great time.
4. I have actually cleaned out some closets and rooms. It feels great, but I still need to do more before the summer is over.
5. Emily has moved herself into the front room.
6. Grant lost two teeth.
7. Emily just got home last night from the 6th grade church trip and will leave in a week to attend her last pre-teen camp, ever! :(
8. Alyssa is in a wedding in a couple of weeks in Dallas and has a very pretty dress.

That has been and will be our summer in a nut shell. I can not believe it has gone by sooo fast. I still have way too much stuff to do.


Look at Cole's face. He was priceless last night. He caught a "Cole" size fish. By the end of the night he did actually touch a fish... First time fishing!!!
Grant was not far behind!! Good job Grant!!

Alyssa caught the first fish! Way to go Alyssa!!

Cole waiting for Daddy to put a hook and float on his new Lightening McQueen fishing pole.

The crew waiting for the fish to bite....who will be the next one to catch a fish?

Monkey see....monkey do....

"Look Mommy, we're getting wet!"
We were watering the yard the other night and this is what I came out and found....Cole doing exactly what Grant was doing...if Grant would move closer, so would was sooo much fun watching them play :)

Do you see something missing?

Around Grant's birthday, one before and one after, he lost his bottom teeth. The first one was easy and he pulled it. The other one, one the other hand, was different. He would not pull it himself or let anyone else do it. Finally after church, he let Daddy pull it and it took just a second to pull it out. He is also growing up way too fast!

Putt-Putt Party

Grant's party was at a local putt-putt course. I think they had a great time--10 six year olds on a putt-putt course......can you say fun ?!?!? It rained for a short period, so we huddled under some umbrellas for cake and ice cream. Then they went out and played in the rain....boys playing in the rain....what fun
Getting ready to swing

Grant and some of his friends waiting their turn on a hole.

Grant turns 6

Grant trying out his birthday present from us--his very own BB gun!
Grant and his cake. Emily made it for him and he picked out the icing and sprinkles...yum!!

Trying out his new clubs at Waco

Daddy trying to help Grant line up a shot

Grant got his very own golf club set from Granny and Papa for his he thinks he needs to go out with Daddy and Papa when they play.

Wiped out!! Part 2

This was what I found when I got out of the shower after a long, fun day at Schlitterbahn. (Both of them were out!) I think he(they) had fun, what do you think?

Wiped out!!

This was Cole sleeping.
It was after a really long weekend.
We started out in Waco on Thursday night and was supposed to be there until Monday. On Monday we were supposed to head south to New Braunfels to be at Schlitterbahn on Tues. Well....plans changed!
Greg's grandmother passed away very unexpected on Saturday morning, so we spent the day playing with the kids in Waco and then had to make a late night flying trip home to get clothes for a funeral. Then a trip to Dallas and then finally to New Braunfels.
This was taken in the car on the way to New Braunfels....also another late night.
A side note.....Cole is gotten to where he likes to go to sleep like this.
I even covered him up like this at Schlitterbahn with a towel and he took a good nap...during the rain storm and with a lot of people under the same cover.
We are very blessed to have a very good sleeper that will sleep just about anywhere when he is tired enough!!

Mayborn Museum

While in Waco, Greg and I took the kids to the Mayborn Museum. Part of it was a true museum, then the other half was a discovery science place. They had a good time.Look Mom, it is floating!
Greg finally found his fun room. This was a water table. It had a continuous flow of water that recirculated through it. You could control the flow with barriers and have some raging rivers. They (Greg) played here for hours!
The kids want Papa to figure out how to build one!
This was Cole's favorite place.
It was a mini-city with these little tyke cars. He even made the car noises!

Grant and Alyssa using this floating table to draw something.



Happy 4th of July

The family!!
We were in Waco for the 4th.
We were walking across the suspension bridge. It felt crazy because it started swaying while we were walking.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tyler Zoo

Alyssa is going to be in a wedding in a couple of weeks and we had to go to Tyler for a dress fitting. I turned it into a fun trip by going to the zoo!The kids thought it was sooo cool that the zoo was "Caldwell" same as our last name!!!
Outside the front gate

Looking at the elephants and giraffes.

The whole crew together! (sorry about the sideways pics)

Small group party

Our small group had their end of the year party this summer at one of the families house. He made a slip-n-slide and by the end of the night there was soap on it and they were trying to surf down it. We all had a great time!
The whole group at the end of the night. (not too many crying and tired kids)

The long slip -n- slide (they had a great hill for this)
Em having a good time

Cole finally made it down the slip -n- slide.

Alyssa having fun on the blow up slide.

All the kids waiting in line for the ice cream man.

Cole and Grant having fun on the mini-gator