Friday, July 25, 2008

Summer Update

As you can see, we have been very busy this summer. Here are some things are have done, accomplished, or will be doing for the rest of the summer.

1. Cole is potty trained...yea!!!
2. We have done a lot of swimming, hence Cole (not even 3 years old) is swimming and going to the bottom of the pool....awesome!!
3. We went to Schlitterbahn as a family and had a blast. Greg's mom and sister went with us and we all had a great time.
4. I have actually cleaned out some closets and rooms. It feels great, but I still need to do more before the summer is over.
5. Emily has moved herself into the front room.
6. Grant lost two teeth.
7. Emily just got home last night from the 6th grade church trip and will leave in a week to attend her last pre-teen camp, ever! :(
8. Alyssa is in a wedding in a couple of weeks in Dallas and has a very pretty dress.

That has been and will be our summer in a nut shell. I can not believe it has gone by sooo fast. I still have way too much stuff to do.

1 comment:

Audra Caldwell said...

Thanks for the update, and all the pictures, I still can't believe the fireworks pics(they are awsome)! The boys are all so big, and I can't believe Em is going to be in Jr. High... YIKES. Alyssa will be there before we know it. Anyways, nice update, I can't believe you got so many done in one day...great job.